Monday, October 07, 2013

Here she is: Camille, my new knitting pattern...

While I was writing the pattern for my new shawl design for a kit from Renaissance Dyeing, (see post here)
I decided it was a good idea to knit the same shawl but in a thicker yarn and with different colours

Here is the result:

A symmetrical triangle shawl 
alternating ribbing, stripes and lace,

two versions: 

Fingering-Weight Medium                 and                Worsted-Weight Large

The fingering-weight - size medium:

the colours are: Purple Passion (dark-purple)- Pewter (grey) - Dill (green) - Ciel (light blue)
knitting needles: 2,5mm or 2,75mm (US 1½ or 2)

The yarn/pattern kit - size medium - is also available at Renaissance Dyeing 
(with the colours: dark purple/green/light blue/grey)
more info here


The worsted-weight - size large:

the colours are; grey, orange, purple and burgundy
knitting needles : 4 mm (US 6)

The pattern includes both fingering-weight and worsted-weight descriptions - more info here

I must say I'm quite proud of this new design

I'm very pleased with both my shawls

I've named the shawl Camille
after the french artist, Camille Claudel
(8 December 1864 – 19 October 1943)

She died 70 years ago this month


me with Camille at the Menhir du Cloître
Huelgoat - Brittany - France

how does one capture the colour changes ?
with a little help from the wind !


 I'm working on another new design,
a crochet scarf/cowl this time

very soon on this blog !



  1. Your shawl design is simply gorgeous, Marylene, and I really like both colour combinations!!
    Nice photos by the Menhir, what a magnificent standing stone, very powerful.

    I do not seem to get updates from this blog through blogger, so I am going to add myself as a follower once more to see if that works. Hopefully it will...

  2. ... it worked!! Both in blogger and in my blog list. Yay :)

    1. I'm glad you fixed the blogger update stuff :)
      Thank you for your nice comment !
      I forgot to tell this: Menhir is breton and it means: men: stone and hir: long :)

  3. Oh, wonderfull pattern! especially for natural dyed wool. I love it. And your colour combinations.


    1. Thank you Anne, I love to work with a lot of colours, especially the natural dyed wool :)

  4. Bonjour,
    j'ai admiré Camille chez, j'ai donc acheté le modèle sur Ravelry malheureusement j'avais compris qu'il y avait la traduction française !
    je ne peux pas tricoter votre modèle !
    Comment avoir cette traduction sans acquérir le kit , sachant que je viens d'acheter le PDF 4,80€
    Douce soirée

  5. This shawl pattern looks beautiful and I love that it comes in two different weights.
